Comments from satisfied clients

“Based on the comments that I received, there wasn't a single [person] in attendance that [who] was NOT affected by your message.”
Meeting Planner, Gaithersburg, MD

“Your understanding of what our salespeople experience and the similarities to your climb to the top of the wrestling world made your discussion right on target.”
Regional Marketing Manager, Atlanta, GA

“Your story is so meaningful because it so real. I expected a fluffy "feel-good" speech with no meat and you delivered an inspiring personal experience that "models the way.”
Marketing Support Representative, Dallas, TX

“...the many motivating factors give everyone a chance to grab onto one they think would work for them.”
Service Manager, Chicago, IL

“…a very serious message but delivered in such a self-abasing tone you touched the heart of a very mature audience. I have not seen that group rise on their feet often, but when they do it is spontaneous and genuine...250 highly successful business men and women...”
Assistant Regional Manager, Roanoke, VA

“I liked the constant enthusiasm, humor but most of all the sincerity.”
Management, Frederick, MD

“It is the message and the way he delivers it that sets him apart.... My thirty years of coaching on the high school, World, and Olympic levels has [have] given me the opportunity to work with and listen to the best coaches in the country, and I would not hesitate to give Lloyd my highest recommendation.”
U.S. National Team Coach, Annapolis, MD

“I, along with my colleagues felt like we were there with you when they placed the gold and silver medals around your neck at the World Wrestling Championships and Olympics.... Your passion to exceed and win is clearly evident and contagious, and you hit all the major points that our team needed to hear if we are to make 2000 the beginning of a successful New Millennium...”
VP, Integrated Technology Services, Orlando, FL

“It did not surprise me that immediately following the meeting, I was being congratulated for picking "the best speaker we have had in a long time". What did surprise me was that weeks later, I was still receiving similar comments. People had truly taken his [Butch's] comments to heart and were trying to use them to improve their own dedication to whatever task was at hand.”
Meeting Planner, MD

“Thank you so much again for coming yesterday. We received so many positive comments about your presentation and just being there. And I was so happy to see how many kids/families came over to meet you! Thanks again!!”
Wrestling Facility Owner/Coach, Northern Virginia

“The team felt your story was inspiring, moving and sincere.”
V.P. Sales, Hunt Valley, MD

“I told the Area Vice President that the guy to get our management team juiced is Butch Keaser... I have had him speak to my organizations on two occasions in the past.”
Regional Executive, Amelia Island, FL

“… I think you were great. And the kids were hooked every minute. I will contact my friends that are coaching to hear your message and book you for events.”
High School Wrestling Coach regarding Awards Banquet presentation, Virginia

“I'm one of the coaches of the younger L……s team at T…..P. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to talk with my wrestlers last night. I know you were there to coach and motivate the other team, but I can't tell you how much it meant to my boys that you took the time to talk to them and to actually allow them to touch your Olympic medal and rings. Many of the parents stopped me to thank me for that opportunity, which I had nothing to do with, so I wanted to pass on their appreciation to you.

I relayed this story to coach Tom as well, but just by chance my younger son was also in attendance last night. He does not wrestle, opting for gymnastics instead. Yesterday was his final practice before a large gymnastics meet in Pennsylvania. This is his first regional championship meet, something that he's been focusing on for three years of his young life. Hearing from an Olympic champion and actually getting to touch an Olympic medal was a huge impact for both him and my older son who does wrestle on the team. They both talked about the experience right up until bedtime last night. I personally couldn't be happier that they had this experience right before the big gymnastics meet and starting the final month of wrestling tournaments for the season. I hope that they can carry your lesson with them for a long time to come.

Thanks again for sharing your time and insight with my guys last night.”
Parent/Coach, Northern Virginia

“I loved your poem and really related to what you said in your speech. What you said really inspired me. Do you have a copy I can keep?”
High School Girl, Annapolis, Maryland

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